
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

From the Composition Book

Nothing like a little artsy play with pieces of paper and a bit of paint and that's exactly what my Composition Book is all about. It's a book for small collage compositions. They are easy and they are colourful and they are fun and I feel they help strengthen my compostion muscles. Don't ask me where those muscles are located, I just know they are good and strong because of stuff like this:

It's fun to see how far one can take a simple idea as this. I'm thinking up more variations in backgrounds, shapes, colours etc. It's like a series within a book and I like how that is turning out.

I'm also thinking about maybe doing a tutorial on these, but I wonder if they are even worthy of one. What I mean is, these things are so simple I think you can see how they work just by looking at them. So my question to you: would you be interested in a tutorial on these kinds of collage compositions or do you think it's not necessary? Let me know!

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy Wednesday.