
Monday, October 14, 2013

Catching up on the Sketchbook Challenge - July

As you may or may not remember I am participating in the Sketchbook Challenge this year and as you may or may not remember I am falling way behind. But in the past few weeks I have been trying to play catch up and this time it was July that I had to give a go.

The theme for July was 'Into the woods' and this immediately reminded me of a type of drawing that I used to do all the time and that I call my 'dorrebomen'. The word stems from the coat of arms of a town on the west side of our island that no longer exists. Actually the town is now about two miles from the coast covered by ocean. Spooky huh?  Anyway the coat of arms has a barren tree on it and that is called a 'dorreboom'. So when I started drawing barren trees in sort of weird alien landscapes years ago I couldn't resist naming them after that. You can see some more about this in an old post of mine over here.

I hadn't done any of these drawings in more than a year and it was fun to return to them for this occasion. I made two:

They are fully done in neocolor II watersoluble crayons, all wetted with a paintbrush of course to get out the beautiful bright colours and velvety surface.  These were done in my Studio Book which measures 25x25 cm (10x10 inches), so they are nice and big.

I've never understood where these drawings came from and they keep fascinating me. I'd love to walk through these colourful landscapes and see what's behind those hills.

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy week!