
Monday, September 30, 2013

Sketchbook Challenge - catching up on June

Last Friday I told you how behind I am on the Sketchbook Challenge and how I'm trying to play catch up so at least it will look like I have some will power. ;-) I recently caught up on May and now I am showing you June.

The theme for June was actually one that was right up my ally as it was 'garden doodles' and I love drawing flowers, especially ones that I just make up out of head. So that's exactly what I did and here's how it turned out:

In this case it's a two page spread and as you can see it's just full of flowers. I first did the basic lay out in pencil, but the details I added straight with a drawing pen. The background was filled in with watercolour in different greens and the flowers and letters were coloured in with Tombow Brush Markers. I really love the brush tips on those even though I know that the colours themselves will fade with time as they are not light fast at all.

What always surprises me is how long it takes to do a drawing like this. It looks so simple, but it took me about four to five hours to finish. But they were good hours and I really enjoyed myself, so I suppose it's okay. I just wish I had a better instinct about how much time things take, I always overestimate my capabilities when it comes to time. I need a more realistic view, so I'm not bummed because I didn't get around to the other 300 things I had planned to do that same day. ;-)

Well, that's all the catching up I've done so far. October is about to begin so I'm still behind three months. But three months is better than five and who knows I might actually finish the Challenge within this year. Perhaps. Maybe. ;-)

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy week!