
Friday, September 20, 2013

Photography Friday

Hello, my blogsy people! I left you all two weeks ago with a Photography Friday, so I might as well come back with one. ;-) After all I had a break from both work and blog and you all know how I love to walk around taking pictures when I'm not working, arting or reading.

I had a bit of a restless vacation really, too much goings on. Nothing all that major. I had to prepare a bookclub meeting which I had to lead (we take turns) and that takes quite some time (and a little stress too). I had to go to the physical therapist several times (I hurt my arm/shoulder months ago and it just won't heal, so we're hoping to get stuff moving again). Also the housing organisation from which I rent my home thought the past week was the perfect time to do some painting upkeep on the houses in my street, so there were painters roaming around the house from time to time which infringed on my privacy a little. The first weekend of my vacation was also te music and art festival Into The Great Wide Open, which is really nice in itself, but I just wanted some peace and quiet and didn't feel like going this time. However, when 10.000 people swarm your tiny island at once it's kind of hard to find any place where they are not. In short, it was a bit harder to relax for me than usual. But...I did manage to sleep, read and walk a lot so that's good. And I also managed to take a lot of pictures. Hundreds of them. Both with my camera and my phone.

Usually my Photography Friday posts consist of pictures from my smart phone. That's because they don't require downsizing before I post them and that just saves time. But this time I thought I'd show you some 'real' photographs, haha. So here's a little selection of pictures I took during my vacation. Proof again of how beautiful this place is I call home.  Hope you enjoy!

With the festival being over so is the main tourist season. I'm enjoying the more quiet environment. Of course there's tourists all year round, but the big bulk of people come in summer and I'm glad that's over. I prefer my island nice and quiet. ;-)

Also summer seems to have taken a leave. It's become much cooler and signs of fall are slowly starting to show all around. Since I'm a great lover of fall and winter I am very happy about this, just as I'm happy that the days are shortening and I can actually do things like light candles at night again and really curl up on my couch with a blanket, a book and a cat.

I didn't do much art in my vacation, except for the journal, but that's okay too. I wanted to take a break from everything and that includes my own routine. Now I've been back to work again this week and slowly getting back to my daily rythm. It's good to be back!

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy weekend!