
Friday, August 23, 2013

Photography Friday

Time for another Photography Friday, which means another peek for you all through the lens of my camera phone.

I actually completely cleaned my old W&N watercolour tin! Look how shiny!

What my journaling table looks like when I'm working in the White Book. Chaos!

My friend Monk came to visit the island for a nice vacation. We spent a day on the west side where I don't come often enough. It's so beautiful there. 

These are the Koon's Polders. We sat on that bench for quite a while.

This place is like a paradise for all kinds of birds.

Monk taking a picture of me taking a picture of her.

It was a cloudy but perfect day for walking. The clouds themselves were gorgeous.

This is on the other side of the dyke surrounding Kroon's Polders. The so called Posthuyswad.

You can walk all around Kroons Polders and get vistas like this.

After that we went to Bomenland (Tree Land literally), the heather is in bloom now, so lovely!

The shape of this tree is amazing. I also think it has been affected by a dune fire in the past.

Another look at the Posthuyswad.

The next two pictures were taken by Monk of me. Since I don't often show pictures of myself I thought I'd include them. As you can see I'm not the only one in love with camera apps! ;-)

This is a bird watching shed, but of course I was too busy looking into the camera! ;-)

This is the picture Monk made of me, while I made the above picture of her.

A good time was had that day and as always I have vowed to go more west more often. I wonder if I'll finally keep my word on that. Ahem...

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy weekend!