
Monday, July 15, 2013

Art mail for Monk

My friend Monk and I have an ongoing no strings attached art mail exchange going on for years already. Sometimes ages can pass between sending something, but somehow we always pick it back up. It's just too much fun.

This time it was definitely me who kept things waiting way too long, so one of my first intentions when starting to work less was to make an art mail for her again and since I had let so much time pass I found it only fair to make it an extensive one. Extensive as in time consuming. 

I got together my big brush markers (I'm so in love with them) and a black marker and got to doodling and colouring. The paper itself took me about three hours in total to finish. I also did an envelope in another couple of hours, but I can't show you that since it has her address on it and that was part of the whole doodle look, so blurring it for the blog would just be a waste.

Anyway, here's some close ups of the piece and an overall look. 

Time consuming or not, I just LOVE doing these types of doodles, especially the coloring in. I'm thinking this style would make such cool greeting cards. Maybe I should get to work on that or something. You know, on that and my 300 other ideas! ;-)

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy week.