
Friday, June 14, 2013

Photography Friday (and a blog break)

Can it really be two weeks have passed since my last Photography Friday? Well, yes it can! Then let's have another one, shall we?

This is the pond near the lighthouse. So green and lush!

Hello! Can you see me?

You can always tell the tourist season is starting up by the boats on the Wadden Sea.

A gorgeous still life, right in my own kitchen!

This is the pond near my house.

Same pond from another angle. This is just a small part of it by the way.

No matter what time of year it is...

...I'm always fascinated by the shape of trees and foliage.

Close up of a pine.

Climbing the dune up to the light house.

And going down along the other side.

Pretty in bloom.

Journal bliss. Very romantic pages.

Lots of foam on the beach.

Lots and lots.

And there's the pond again! Who can resist?

Well, my dear blogsy people, now I'm going to say goodbye for a short while, at least for ten days. See, I'll be going on vacation to my favorite city in the world: LONDON! (Yes, I had to capitalize that, 'cause I'm so excited!). It's been four years since my last visit, so I've been pretty homesick for my home away from home and can't wait to walk its streets and visit all my favorite places again.  My love for this city stems from an internship I did there in the nineties and I really feel at home there.

Last time I was there (in 2009) I got to stay a whole month, but I can't afford that this time unfortunately. Still, nine days isn't bad. I'll be leaving tomorrow and I will be taking my camera, so no doubt you will get some major slideshows when I get back. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Until then I wish you all a wonderful and artsy time!