
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

More pattern doodles

I'm still really enjoying playing with pattern doodles in my Moleskine sketchbook. I'm not sure if pattern doodles is a term anybody else uses, but that is exactly what they are, so I'm using it for these drawings.

I first draw the patterns with an ordinary Pitt brush pen. It's fun coming up with different shapes, repetitions and schemes. I feel I have only scratched the surface of what's possible when it comes to patterning and I have a lot to learn about it so I don't keep falling back on the same shapes all the time. 

The most fun part however is colouring them in. For this I use Pitt Big Brush markers and they are absolutely wonderful on the Moleskine sketchbook paper. It's like they were made for each other. A match made in doodle heaven!

I like picking colour variations and seeing how they affect the patterns. I'm finding I like contrasting schemes a lot better than monochromatic schemes. For instance I like the doodles above a lot better than the ones before that with all the blues, simply because those seem more boring to me. 

It's also like doing a bit of a puzzle sometimes. Where does which colour go, how many colours do I use in one pattern and how do they fit together?  Especially with small patterns like the one on the right above it can be easy to make a mistake.

Still all in all it's a very relaxing thing to do and basically I just think they look pretty. ;-) They will also serve me well as ideas for bigger patterned pages that I can use for collage. I still have to do those, but I'll be sure to keep you informed when they come into being.

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy Wednesday!