
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sketchbook Challenge - Natural Surfaces

The theme for the Sketchbook Challenge of March was right up my alley, namely 'natural surfaces'. Since I'm already fascinated by those I often take pictures like these:

These are close ups of tree bark that I took on my walks. I spent a whole walk especially taking pictures for the challenge so I could do something with them in my sketchbook. I took a couple of dozen pictures and here's what I did with them:

I printed them as a contact sheet and filled an entire spread with them.

I did a mixed media spread with paint and collage and markers, much fun was had with this one!

I tried to turn the shapes of one of the pictures into abstract art in different media.

All the above spreads were done in my Studio Book by the way and this book measures 25x25 cm (10x10 inches). It's nice to take a theme in different directions and see where it might lead you. I like the differences in the looks of the spreads and the variety in materials I used and yet it's also obvious they belong together. That's what a theme can do for you! ;-)

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy weekend!