
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

An ode to my assistant

Just before Christmas 2011 I adopted my wonderful (be it not so helpful) assistant Peer (pronounce 'pair').
He has been with me for over a year now and we have become very good friends. In the beginning he was totally hyper when it came to food and it has taken a lot of patience to calm him down, but it is paying off and he is just the sweetest most adorable cat. 

Of course like any cat he is always in the way and tries to get involved in just about everything I do. While I'm sitting here typing he constantly pats his paw against my leg to tell me I need to give him some attention.
I also don't think there is one piece of art in my house that does not have at least one cat hair on it. He just sits on it all.

I am very happy he came into my life and like I've said before: if you are thinking about getting a pet, please do consider adopting one from an animal shelter. There are tons of wonderful animals just waiting for a new home. Some may require a little patience and tact, but they are so worth it!

I recently have been taking some photographs of just about everything in my house and on the island for a profile another blogger will be doing about me (will tell you all about it when the time comes) and of course Peer had to be in them too. So this seemed like a good opportunity to share his cuteness again with the world.

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy Wednesday!