
Monday, January 7, 2013

I'm back with some holiday slides!

Hello blogsy people and a happy new year to you all! May 2013 be filled with wonder and joy and may it bring you everything you hoped and a little more than you expected. 

I'm back after a wonderful couple of weeks and especially the last week was fantastic. It was like having a private retreat at my own home and island. I got so much time to write and read and walk and make art and also to just sleep whenever I felt like it. It was fabulous.

I put my online presence on hold, unsubbed from discussion groups and did not participate on facebook or check other people's blogs. I can totally recommend doing this from time to time. It's good to just get back to yourself. I had a lot of time to think and I needed it.

But all things (good and bad) must come to an end, so today I started my job again and have returned to the online existence and the great world outside my private space. I'm now way behind on everything, so the coming week I will play catch up as much as I can. And of course I am back on the blog (but I guess you noticed that).

Let me give you a photographic impression of the past time.

Foggy City of Leeuwarden

A brand new table cloth for the journaling table (my assistant ruined the other one).

Christmas at Casa Caatje. ;-)

What I wish was Casa Caatje (but it's not, sigh).

A window display I really liked.

Introducing old paint box to new paint box (they got along just fine).

Depressed pine needles.

One of the many roads I walked.

Ah, the magic of sand moving across the beach. So beautiful.

Patterns left by shells and sand.

My shadow taking a nap in the hay.


A helpful tree pointing out the right way to go.

Bare trees, I keep loving them.

My artsy endeavors all in one book.

Quiet beauty on the last day of my vacation.

I never get tired of the beauty of the place I call home.

Of course I took many many more pictures, but I have to draw the line somewhere. The picture of the journal above is a bit of a teaser for my next posts in which I will show you what I did art wise in my vacation. I was pretty productive if I do say so myself. Hope you come back to take a peek.

Until then I just want to say it's good to be back and wish you a wonderful and artsy week!