
Friday, January 25, 2013

Another beautiful lady

My practice of drawing beautiful ladies in beautiful dresses continues. I keep using the same wedding magazine as my supply of models, even though the eventual drawing is not really anything like the original. It's just to inspire a pose and a shape. The rest is all me...sort of...;-)

This time it's not a full figure pose, but I liked the image so much that I just had to use it. I drew the girl in pencil and then went over the lines with a drawing pen. Then I did a sort of underpainting in brush markers and defined the details and shadows with a top layer in coloured pencil. I then did the background in a light watercolour wash with a top of coloured pencil and some butterfly stamps.

Here's some more detailed shots:

I really like the effect of the pencils on top of the markers. I wasn't sure it would work, but it did. I will definitely try that technique again. Actually that's one of the other fun parts in this series: the different ways there are to colour in these ladies.

Hope you like her and wish you all a wonderful and artsy weekend!