
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Two people (a poem of thoughts)


Sometimes I feel like I am two people:
I work as an archivist during the weekdays.
I play as an artist in my free time.
But recently I realised that when I close the door to my office...
... the job almost immediately drops from my mind.

I hardly ever think about work in my free time.
It's not that I ignore it or hate it,
I just don't really care all that much to be bothered with it.
Work simply stays at work where it belongs.
I do it to make a living and keep a roof over my head and food on the table.

Art is different.

When I close the door to my studio my art goes with me everywhere.
I see colours and images, sometimes I even document them.
I think up ideas and dig up inspiration from all around me.
I take my camera, my notebook, my passion, along with me.

Even when I'm not working on something artsy I'm thinking of something artsy ...
....or am being inspired by other people's artsy stuff.

Ideas are everywhere all the time!
Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, is fodder for my artsy endeavours.
And there is just no time that I can think of when art is not on my mind...
...or on my soul.

It occurs to me that when I think of art and creativity 24/7...
...and leave my job behind me at the office the moment I leave...
...I am not two people after all.
I am actually one very distinct person.
And that person just happens to be an ARTIST.

Even if I don't make a living doing art...
...I do make a life doing art.
And maybe that is all that matters.

So if you ever wonder if you're an artist...
...maybe you should think about what is in the front of your mind and heart.
What makes your soul come to life?
For what we live and breathe through the days of our lives...
...may truly tell us who we really are.