
Friday, November 30, 2012

Photography Friday

Autumn is passing. Slowly but steadily the branches of the trees are getting more and more empty. I'm showing you some of the last fall colors before they are gone. I will miss them.

What I do love about more and more leaves falling is the thick carpet they leave on the forest floor. So soft and colourful to walk on. So beautiful. And also I am looking forward to winter and to even shorter days than there already are. I'm such a none summer person that autumn and winter are like one big holiday to me. Even though spring is still four months away I'm already feeling time is speeding too fast. In a few weeks it will be Christmas already! Can't fall and winter stay all year this season? Just once? Please? ;-)

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy weekend and do come back next week for my atc-tutorial!