
Friday, November 2, 2012

Photography Friday

Time for another Photography Friday. Again these pictures were taken with my phone. But as you can see by the latest photo I now finally have a new camera and I will be experimenting with that one for a while in the time to come.

A spotted leaf. I loved the look of this, but do wonder what it means.

These narrow leaves fascinated me.

A look into the forest.

Fall is definitely taking over.

Amazing reflection. I can't get enough of reflections.

A close up of my lazy assistant. I don't know why I keep paying him.

A very still marina on a very cloudy day.

"Who reads this is crazy" ( and no, I didn't write this)

Beach beast?

New boats, old boats...

Someone left their heart on the beach.

An overcast day on the island.

Can you believe these colors?

My new photography friend! I'm in love...

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy weekend. Mine will be a long weekend at my oldest sisters' and together we will again visit the Kreadoe in Utrecht. Wanna know what all that is about, check out last years post here. Will give a full report when I get back!