
Monday, October 8, 2012

We have a winner!

Well hello there, blogsy people! It feels like I've been away for ages, but it really only has been about ten days. Ten wonderful days I might ad. I had a lovely and very relaxed vacation and I enjoyed being away from all of you for a while. Not because I don't like you, but you know how it is: this blogosphere and the online presence takes up a lot of energy even for those of us who enjoy it. It was nice to not check my mail, facebook and other blogs. I'm not one of those people who's online 24/7, but even for me it sometimes can get a little addictive. It's good to step away from that from time to time.

But it's also good to be back and I vaguely remember there was something I had to do when I came back. What was it again?... puts on thinking cap....ah yes, I believe it was this:

A giveaway, you didn't really think I would forget, did you?

I want to thank all of you for your wonderful responses. I didn't expect so  many of you to actually tell me what you intended to do with the journal and the goodies if you won them, so it was great fun reading all your ideas. If ever I have a truckload of time on my hands and nothing better to do (which of course will be next to never) I should make fifty journals and just spread them around to anybody who wants them.

But as is usually the case with giveaways, there can only be one lucky gal who takes home the prize. So let's go and pick her!

First I write all you wannabe winner names on two pieces of paper.

Then I cut you up and stick you in a bowl.
And then I close my eyes and pick the winner!

Flora DeMaio, you lucky girl. You won! Congratulations. Please mail me on c.m.j.winkelman[at] and let me know your snailmail address and I will get the goodies to you as soon as possible.

To the rest of you, all I have to offer is a 'better luck next time' and thank you for participating and saying such nice things about the giveaway and the blog. It's much appreciated.

On a completely different note I just have to show you this: 

That's right, it finally arrived, just before I left for my vacation. The printed issue of Featuring with my article in it. Five whole pages people! I'm ever so proud. (If you don't know what I'm talking about you can read about it here.)

Well, now it's off to the e-mail and the blogs and the groups and all that other online stuff I like being a part of and am way behind on. I will show some vacation slides next time, promise.

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy week!