
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Third Bronckhorst Journal (unfinished)

When I went on vacation a few weeks ago I had big plans, fun plans too.  I put together a simple journal and I was going to fill it. It was as simple as that and to make it even simpler all I took in supplies were some drawing pens and my watercolor box. Oh boy, was that going to be a colorful journal by the time I got back! much for the plans.

I did a little drawing, but mostly my journal remained untouched. The only times I worked in it were the first two days of my vacation. Those pages turned out really nice, but when I got back the journal was nowhere near filled.

I did a cover:

The front.

The back.

As you can see on the back I wanted to just play with art and stay away from the online world. Well, I kept my word on the latter, but the art play pretty much was non existent. It's not that I didn't have time, I just didn't really feel like it. I wanted to laze about, read books and do...nothing. It was my vacation dammit. ;-)

On my first day there I did do the insides of the covers and decided to turn those into a mini journal with the highlights of the day. Here's what those look like:

As the week went on I just got lazier and lazier and I didn't mind really. I enjoyed it, I enjoyed it a lot. It's just that this journal suffered from it by remaining empty. And now I suffer from an empty journal, a sad thing for an art journal fanatic like myself.

The only page outside the cover pages that I did was this one:

I like the bright colors of all these pages a lot. I don't like that there's so few of them.

But...during the week I did write in my notebook, took pictures, collected all kinds of ephemera and now I have this whole package of loose things that still needs to be put into this journal somehow. So that's my mission for the coming time: to fill this journal and make it work after all and decorate it with more watercolor doodles.

Keep your fingers crossed that I will get this job done!

Wishing you all a wonderful and artsy week!