
Friday, October 12, 2012

More from the Moon Journal

Slow but steady, that seems to be the pace of my Moon Journal. I started the journal in March and page wise I still have about a month worth of filling to go. But, as has been the case a lot these past months, days get skipped and sometimes (like last week) entire vacations get skipped. Combine that with the fact that this book is BIG and has a lot of pages and you'll understand why I, who usually fill a journal in three to four months have been at this one for seven already, going on eight. It's not a real problem, but I'm kind of aching for a new book already, since I'm so used to the variety of four or five books a year. Oh well, steady as she goes.

Anyway, here are seven new spreads from the Moon Journal. Enjoy!

Over here in my little corner of the world the weekend has started. I survived my first week back to work and am ....well....pretty exhausted actually. I always have to get used again to work rythm, mostly 'cause I'm so not a morning person, but a day job kind of forces you to live like one. Ah, don't get me started on the unfairness of life, whine whine whine. ;-)

I'm glad it's weekend now though and I hope that wherever you are you will have a wonderful and artsy one. See you next week!

P.S. Several people have asked me to do a tutorial on making a simple journal, like the one in my giveaway. I will be working on it, I promise, but these tutorials always take some time to make, so bear with me okay?

P.P.S. I know some of my above pictures came out a little blurry. The thing is I've been taking pictures with my phone alone over the last months and that has it's limitations, especially inside. Reason: my good camera is literally falling apart and simply past its due date. But good news is on the horizon: I finally ordered myself a new photobaby and as soon as I learn how to handle that one I hope to get some clearer shots for you as well.