
Monday, September 3, 2012

So, what were you up to last week?

Well, here I am again, after a week of absence. It's been one of those busy full weeks. I worked almost every night trying to get things done in time and I went to the main land two weekends in a row. Sigh.

Anyway, here's an impression of last week in photographs:

Left the island for the first time in two months, sat on a terrace and sketched my drink.

Went on one of my famous shopping sprees.

Worked my ass of to finish a painting for my sister (will show you the results on Wednesday).

Had a no fun dentist appointment and celebrated it was over by taking this route back to the office.

Worked another ass off to finish designing, printing and sewing 180 of these babies!

Got rid of an unwanted intruder.

Wanted to dognap this sweetie pie my sister got, but they watched me like hawks so I couldn't.

Visited an art supply fair with way too many cute things, like all these ribbons.

Bought way too much. This is just the sticker selection I got. Two shopping sprees in one week, oh my!

Was granted not one, not two, but three original art pieces by my grand niece. Put them on my studio wall.

Ad to all that a full time work week and some goings on among family and friends that kept my head busy and I can tell you it was a full week and I was glad I had put up notice here that I wouldn't be blogging. I'm hoping this week will be a bit calmer and I hope we will all have a good artsy time!