
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What are you up to Wednesday - part 48 (woyww 164)

Well, summer has finally found the Netherlands and I've never been so pleased to live on an island where there is a lot of wind, otherwise I'd go insane from the heat. Unfortunately there's not much wind in my studio and it does lie directly under a slanted roof that has the sun on it all day, so you can imagine it's warm in there right now. This may explain why my desk looks like this:

Not much going on there! I worked at this table last Monday night and since then have shied away from it. I cleaned up the desk right after a little project in my Studio Book (which lies at the bottom of this stack and I'll show you later) and that was that.

The book on top of the stack is one that Lynette mentioned on her blog a few months ago and it turns out to be a real treasure trove for flower lovers. It's full of drawn images of flowers, leafs, trees and pods and seeds. I was blown away by it and the best part is that you may copy from it freely. There's also a cd included if you want to go digital with them. All in all not a bad addition to my collection.

Downstairs is still where the journaling goes on and right now I'm halfway through this spread:

Can you see the hole in the tablecloth in front of the journal? That's the handy work of my lovely assistant! Yes, he does try to do his part around the house. ;-)

On top of the boxes you can see the one red tombow brushmarker that I got from my friend Monk. It doesn't fit inside! Still waiting for my stash of them to arrive, but that will be a few weeks waiting yet. I'm not impatient, oh no, I just want to have it all right now!

Not working in the studio does not mean nothing gets done, by the way. Last night I sat in front of my tv, fulfilling my geeky need for the supernatural by watching SyFy, and played with coloured pencils in my Out of the Studio Book. 

Coloured pencils are like a mystery to me that I really want to unravel. I have actually ordered some books on them so I may get to the bottom of them sometime in the future. You can do amazing things with them, I just don't know how to do them yet, haha.

So I just drew and colored the above bit of 'nonsense'. I always call my abstract doodly stuff  nonsense, but I mean it in a good way and I had fun doing the above page. It took several hours to finish. There's a lot of layering going on there, but I can also tell I have a lot to learn.

And that's how things are with me this Wednesday. Now hop on over to Julia's and check out other people's blogs to see what they're up to!

Wishing you all a wonderful artsy Wednesday!