
Monday, July 16, 2012

From the Moon Journal

I must admit that I have not been very artsy in the past few weeks, except for taking many photographs and maybe one or two drawings in the sketchbook. As much as I enjoyed my vacation rythm of mostly being outdoors shooting pictures and going on hikes or being indoors reading, it did take away from my studio time and now, even after over two weeks I still find it hard to get back into that rythm of sitting in my studio on a regular basis. It's not that I have not done anything, it just hasn't been a steady thing yet. There's no routine.  So this week I'm decided to more or less force myself into art making, not really so much against my will, as against my laisser faire attitude of late. ;-) Time to get some work done!

Anyway, on and off I have worked in the journal and here's five spreads to prove it.

Four are regular journal spreads with my day to day scribbles about my day to day life. The first one is a little photographic impression of my vacation. As you may remember I did journaling and art on index cards on my vacation and I am turning that into a journal. I have already printed the photographs and pasted them on yet more indexcards and I put all the cards in the order I want them to be. Now I just have to decorate the covers and put the thing together with bookrings. Hopefully that will be done this week and then I can show you the finished index card journal.

For now I hope you enjoyed looking at more from the Moon Journal. It's progressing slowly, but it is progressing and it's already becoming quite heavy and full even though I still have more than one third of the journal to go. It's a good thing I took out about half the pages of the original atlas, because it now already is more bulky than it was to begin with.

Thanks for dropping by and I wish you all a wonderful artsy week!