
Thursday, May 31, 2012

More from the Moon Journal

Working in my Moon Journal is sheer journaling bliss. I feel perfectly spoiled with its huge spreads and its bright colors. I wish it would go on forever. Well, I would if I didn't have a preference for variety above all other preferences.

Thankfully this journal still has a long way to go before it's filled up. I'm working on several ideas for my next journal already and they vary from the Little Book of which you have already seen snippets to the square ROD journal that is in the making and has been temporarily put on the shelf, but not forever.

I'm also considering an extra large moleskine cahier and two journals that I bought through Etsy from other creative journal makers. A journal made by somebody else almost feels like a collaboration. ;-)

It's wonderful and horrible at the same time to have so many options. Wonderful because it adds to the variety of shapes and sizes of journals and horrible because I'm the type of person who only works in one journal at a time, so I can't choose everything at once as I would like to.

I may keep several sketchbooks and artsy books at once but the actual daily journal is always just one at a time and I always work through it chronologically front to back. That's just the way I like it. A journal is a steady companion for several months and I fill about four to five of them every year. The Moon Journal is number three for this year.

Every journal is my new favorite, I can't help it. Looking back over the years and journals I have filled I love how different they all are. I'm actually thinking about doing a post in the future about journals past so you can see how my journaling has evolved over time and how my first art journals look. Might be interesting. What do you think?

Today I just leave you with these images of the Moon Journal. The last one is not finished yet, because as you can see it has no writing on it. I just thought you might like to see how the spreads look before I start writing on them. I always decorate first and write later. I will show this one when it's written on as well in another post.

Hope you're all having a wonderful week and are doing something artsy!