
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A great weekend and a giveaway winner

I wonder if some of your are holding your breath right now to see if you're the winner of this:

I know I am always excited to find out where my artsy stuff is going to end up. It's like a little private lottery. This journal could end up in so many places, because you all come from all over the world. That's what fascinates me and inspires me too. Before the internet how would I ever get my stuff to someone in New Zealand for instance? But then again, my niece Kim responded as well, so the journal might stay within the family. Let's find out shall we?

First I'll write down all the names of the aspiring owners of the Artsy Journal on some scrap paper.

Then I will cut up the paper in strips and crumble each strip to small scrungy thingies and put them in a basket.

Then a completely unbiased person will have to draw one of the pieces of paper for a winner. Hmmmm, no unbiased people around? Well, I'll just have to do it myself then and hope you trust that all went fair and square (it did!). Drum rolls please!

The lucky winner is:

Here's what she had to say:

Congratulations Dawn! The Artsy Journal is all yours. I'll try to contact you for your snail mail addy and you may of course contact me as well through c.m.j.winkelman[at]home[dot]nl. Hope you enjoy this journal very much!

For all you unlucky non-winners (I almost wrote losers, but that seemed a little too harsh, haha) all I have to offer is more stuff to make you jealous. See, I had my family over for the weekend to celebrate my birthday and they left me with this:

Loads of pretty papers and embellishments for journaling and collage. Also a beautiful folk art calendar and a huge gorgeous coffee mug that will probably get to live in my studio. But the best part is at the bottom: gift certificates for art supplies and books. Oh my, I already spent all of them online! I was one spoiled artsy girl this weekend, that's for sure.

Finally, just for the heck of it, a picture of me, my cousin Thea and my oldest sister Anita (unfortunately my middle sister couldn't make it), some of my favorite people in the world. We so seldom photograph well that this image may be considered a truly memorable one and I just had to share it with the world to prove we are in fact quite normal! ;-)

Good memories were made, lots of good food was enjoyed (the photo above was of course taken in a restaurant) and there was loads of laughter too. And the weather was sunny and bright, so we could do lots outside. It was a great time.

Now however they have left again for the main land and life as we know it has begun again. My birthday is now definitely over. Well, until my online orders start to arrive of course, then I'll have myself a little private party!

Hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday!