
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The In Between Book completed

In case you were wondering what happened to me, I was right here all the time! ;-) But...having problems with my computer. That is to say, everything is working fine, except for one thing: I cannot upload images to the internet. Text goes fine and the internet connection works perfectly, so that's not it. It's not just blogger, I can't upload images to any site at all. Facebook, Flickr, ning-sites, the computer just stalls. Very annoying. 

The strange thing is: this happens once about every four to six weeks and after a few days it clears up again and I have no idea what I'm doing wrong or what is happening to cause it or how to solve it. I haven't changed my settings or installed anything new. It always just solves itself somehow. So if anybody knows what this is about, please let me know, 'cause it's starting to bug me. 

In any case I didn't feel like waiting for the magic to work it's way back into my computer, so I'm now uploading my images on my lunchbreak at work. So, while this is Wednesday, it's not a what are you up to post, it's the post that was supposed to go up last Monday. So, here we go! ;-) 

As I've stated last week already, the In Between Book is all filled up! It took me about six weeks to fill the 33 spreads of this book and on this blog I have shown you the progress of it. So now it's time for the final few spreads, but let's see how it started out shall we? As you may remember I prepped the In Between Book in one sitting in my studio and it only took a very short time. When I was done it looked like this:

The book was originally a sketchbook. It is A5 size (15x21cm) and has only 33 spreads in it. It was a very condensed size compared to the first altered atlas and even to the ROD2 journal which was the same size, but much bulkier in nature. I did like the smaller format, even though after being filled it now is no longer as thin as it was. I think it has become about four or five times thicker because of all the collaged items in it.

Here's how it looks now, all filled up:

Don't you just love how a journal transforms through use? A completely ordinary thing can become something so personal when it's filled to the brim with your own thoughts and imagery. I really enjoy seeing a journal become, if you know what I mean. I think that may also be why I like all the different sizes and formats so much, they make for an interesting journey.

Now without any further ado let me show you the last spreads of the In Between Book!

And that's all there is to this journal folks! I have started the Moon Journal (the second altered atlas) and will hopefully show you some of it's first spreads next week. I will miss the little In Between Book though, it was a cutie. ;-)

For now I'm wishing you all a very creative Wednesday. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that my computer will soon be working its magic again.