
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What are you up to Wednesday - part 39 (woyww 142)

How the Wednesday's come and go! Sometimes it feels like nothing has happened in between. Well, my last post happened and I'm happy with the responses. I was a little worried it might be taken the wrong way, but it seems most people do get what I mean. Thanks for the comments, I find your perspectives very interesting.

Now let's get back to the business of artsy stuff shall we? Here's my desk!

The other night I felt like doing some playing in my Studio Book. So I filled two pages. One is a letter drawing dedicated to my father who's birthday was on the 20th of February. He's been dead for over 25 years now. I'm not a person who normally remembers dates like this. By this I mean that I don't really think about dates and stuff and then miss a person more. For intance, as fickle fate would have it, my mother died on my birthday almost 14 years ago, but I never think of my birthday as The Day My Mother Died (insert dark brooding music here), if you know what I mean. But this time for some reason I did think of my father and felt sad. So why not do a little drawing about it? It's very simple, I know, but also very to the point. ;-)

After that it was time for some lighthearted fun and I did the following nonsense. It's not completely finished yet. The white areas still need to be filled with color. I will probably do that tonight or some other time soon. I love drawing shapes and filling them in with color. It's like a coloring book for grown ups!

In the meantime I'm still busy filling the next altered atlas with color, unfortunately I have run out of baby wipes, haha. I have also done a second stolen idea project of which I will probably tell you more on Friday and of course my journal, The In Between Book, keeps me busy every day as well. progress on ROD Square whatsoever, but there's still plenty of time for that.

I hope you're all having a very artsy Wednesday too, and if not, what are you waiting for!