
Friday, February 17, 2012

And...the word verification is off again!

Well, looks like blogger has joined the ranks of the unreadable word verifications. I don't know why they've changed the setup, but it's pretty annoying. Unless they're secretly trying to push everyone to turn the verification off. (I'm nothing if not paranoid)

Until now I found the words quite easy to read and didn't mind it so much and as I've said before: spam is overflowing when I don't do it. Blogger does have a pretty good spamfilter, so the spam doesn't show up on the blog, thank God, but... it does show up in my mailbox and I don't want it there.

So now I have to give in and change things around again. I have set up my comments now in such a way that I no longer will receive an e-mail when someone comments, which by the way I'm not too happy about. That's how I've kept up with my comments until now. Now however I will have to logon to blogger to see if I have any comments. Oh well, at least my readers will no longer have to go through the trouble of typing in five or six extra letters, so for you it's an improvement! Enjoy! ;-)