
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Scenes from Vlieland - part five: random goodness

Today we will conclude our tour of my beautiful island. I know, I sound ridiculously possesive when I keep saying 'my island', after all it's not really mine. It's more of a loaner really. ;-) But I've loved it ever since I moved here so it feels like it's mine, if only a little, even though I have to share it with over a thousand other people.

We will end the tour with some random pretty pictures that really didn't fit into any categorie, so I'm calling it 'random goodness'.

This is the name of the only town on the island. About 1150 people live here.

This is the lighthouse, it stands on the highest dune and is therefore small.

The lighthouse is actually the top of a bigger lighthouse taken from the main land.

This eagle statue watches over our town, behind it is the Wadden Sea.

The town as seen from the dyke along the Wadden Sea.

Our very pretty church, a lot of concerts are given here (some by candlelight).

A view over some communal gardens. In the distance the ferry arrives.

Just an old shack I liked, nothing more.

The marina. In the summer it's filled to the brim with boats.

Mostly sailboats like these.

Well, that's about it. Of course I have hundreds more pictures I could show you, but I think you get the general idea now of what my island looks like and how lucky I am to live here.

Next week we'll get back to the artsy stuff and I'll show you some of the things I've been doing during my vacation like in my sketchbook and my journal. I hope you enjoyed the tour of Vlieland and I wish all of you a very artsy weekend!