
Monday, December 12, 2011

The first spreads from ROD2

There are so many people who have taken the Remains of the Day (ROD) class with the wonderful Mary Ann Moss that looking for images of them is a piece of cake and might actually put you into sensory overload. So many beautiful journals, so many different ways to interpret the class instructions. Not one journal is the same. I love looking at them and if you do too I strongly advice you to enter the words 'remains of the day journal' into google or flickr. You will be rewarded with hours and hours of eye candy.

But...what is somewhat harder to find is what people actually DO with these journals after they finish making them. How do they fill them up? How do they journal in them? What do they use them for? My first ROD journal was filled last spring and I showed some of the finished pages over here. At that time I hadn't taken up the habit yet of showing all my journal pages, the way I did with the altered atlas. But now I have started using ROD2 I wanted to show you the progress of that journal as I am using it. In order to give you a little impression of what I've done  to fill the pages I intend to show you the 'before' and the 'after' pages of the journal.

Now the before pages already have stuff on them, because that's how the journal is made. If you want to see all the spreads of the journal the way they were before I started journaling on them you can go to my flickr, where there's a special set dedicated to ROD2, right over here. I will add the used spreads, after I fill them up, to this set as well, so all of ROD2 will be together in one set.

About time I stopped talking and started showing you some pictures. Here are the first eight spreads of ROD2!

















As you can see I add writing, stickers, images, tape, labels and everyday stuff that I want to keep like postcards and tags from things I bought. A lot of the extra's can be opened and there's often writing underneath or on the backside. The ROD journal always invites these sorts of interactive elements.

I hope you enjoyed looking at these first spreads, there will be more to come in the future as I fill up this journal.

Wishing you all a wonderfully creative week!