
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What are you up to wednesday - part 23

This Wednesday I won't show you my worktable. Partly because there is a surprise lying there for somebody else and partly because the table I'm really working on right now is this one:

It's the computer table in my studio. I'm working on downsizing the photographs I took for the tutorial. I'm about halfway through. The three parter art journaling tutorial will start this Friday, yay! I will probably not use all the pictures I took, but I want them to be ready to use when I need them, so I'm downsizing all of them and making them ready for the web in photoshop. My version of photoshop (6.0)  is probably considered an antique by now, but it still works like a charm so who cares. You can just call me 'retro girl'. ;-)

I also want to show you something I received through snail mail past weekend, because it's from a very talented artist whose work I really like. Her name is Sandra Brouwer and she can draw the most cute illustrations of her cats, but is also quite good at realistic drawings. Anyway, I got to know of her through her flickr site and I liked her work so much that I asked if I could buy something of hers. This is one of the cool things of the internet, you have access to all sorts of people (and art) you would otherwise never have seen. .

Anyway, along with the cute painting I bought she sent a truckload of postcards for free (!) and now that she has recently made four more postcards she has sent me those as well and that's what was in the mail on Saturday. But the way she sent them it's not just those four postcards, no no, it's a whole stack of each postcard! Here's how she sent them to me:

Is that cute or what? Al wrapped up in lots of ribbons and with matching gift card and business card. I just had to take a picture of it to show it to the world. So as a bonus I now have a bunch of cute ribbons for my ribbon collection. ;-)

Here's a closer look at the four stacks of cards:

Aren't they adorable? The white cat is called Whiskey. She also has a black one called Zorro. You can see lots more of her drawings on her flickr. Please take a look and tell her how talented she is.

Speaking of talented people. My friend Monk, your know the one who posted the photographic impression of ITGWO on her blog, now has also posted the drawings she made. You can find them here. Again: many compliments are warranted. ;-)

That's it for today. I'm back to my very old pal Photoshop 6.0 to downsize some more tutorial pictures. Aaah, the things I go through for you all! ;-)

Hope you're having an artsy Wednesday!