
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Book review: Exhibition 36 - Susan Tuttle

Title: Exhibition 36 : mixed-media demonstrations + explorations
Author: Susan Tuttle
Info: 160 p. - 2008
Rating: 7.5 / 10

I read this book in the spring of 2010 and enjoyed it very much. This book is inspiration overload. It's an introduction to many mixed media artists who share both their works and their techniques. The chapters are mostly written by the artists themselves.

You get to know a little about the artists and why they work in a certain way and what thoughts and feelings got them to make what they are making. They explain the showed art, but they also give you a taste for trying it yourself by giving instructions on how you can go about a certain technique.

There is eye candy galore, a literal exhibition with many different kinds of works, mixed with interviews and show and tell. There's a bit for everyone. If you are completely blank for ideas and don't know what to do next, you would have to be in a very big rut not to get at least one little spark of inpiration from this book.

There's not much more to say about it really. This is a book to go back to every now and then, leaf through and get your creative juices flowing. Wonderful!