
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What are you up to wednesday - part 22

Wednesday again already. This fast moving time is getting ridiculous! I'm starting to suspect foul play or something. It cannot possibly be the end of August already? Obviously my calendar and all calendars in the world have been set wrong! It's a time conspiracy! But I'll play along...mostly 'cause I can't fight forces more formidable than me. ;-)

Oh well, lets look at my worktable! Here it is:

Huh? An empty worktable? Yup! All cleared up and nothing to see but the cute little babushkas on my table cloth. Right at this moment there is nothing going on in my studio! The table is rarely this empty, so I thought you might enjoy the view of all that space! Isn't it pretty? ;-)

Now, before you start thinking I'm slacking off, let me guide you down the stairs to the ground floor and show you where the real action is:

This is where I'm working right now like crazy! My art journaling table looks like a bomb exploded there. There's even stuff lying on the kitchen floor, 'cause there was no room left on the table. Bet you can guess why. Exactly, it's because I'm still working on the tutorial. On the table you can see a spread in progress of the little journal I am making especially for it, so I can show you the entire process of my current journaling. It's almost done. I only have to do the cover now. And after that of course there will be the writing.

I have decided to make it a three parter tutorial. Part one will be about backgrounds and surfaces to work on. Part two will be about collage and embellishing. And part three will be about writing. All in all this fabulous idea of mine to do an art journaling tutorial is way more time consuming than I expected. Me and my big ideas! And here's the really bad news: it will not get finished this week (yes, I'm groaning about that too, so please don't be angry with me).

I had completely forgotten to take into account the big festival that is being held on the island this weekend. It's called Into The Great Wide Open and it's absolutely fabulous. But it does mean that I will be away from my art tables for three days. I hope to have time to do some sketching during the festival though, so I won't be completely idle. My friend Monk is coming over, so it should be extra fun.

So, bear with me, my artsy friends. The tutorial is in the making and it will come, but again later than promised. I am so sorry, but you are all really nice people right? And you understand, right? Right!

Hope you're all having a fun Wednesday and are up to something good!