
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Atlas continued

Here are some spreads from the atlas. It still is doing a great job as my current everyday journal. I love its size, I love its paper and I love the spreads I'm doing in it. It's sort of a new approach for me and it will be the approach I will teach you in the upcoming tutorial!

What I like about it is that I can do most of the work up front and then just write in it when I feel like it. I don't have to consider the entire page spread when writing. I write early in the morning before work and I just don't have the time then to also think about how I want it all to look. I just want to write then.

What I also love is the use of all those stacks of magazines I have collected over the year. Every now and then I sit down with a couple of them and just cut out pictures so they are ready to use when I need them.

I also get to use all those little funt art supplies that accumulate over time, like stickers or rub ons or pretty tape and even stamps. It all gets used in this journal. There's no pressure of making unique art, it's just play play play and it feels more like decorating than anything else. ;-)

I was supposed to do this post yesterday, but for some reason this is one of those weeks where nothing goes as planned. Nothing serious going on, so don't worry, it's mostly my mind that's on overtime and I'm just really tired the last few days and spent most of the late afternoon yesterday napping instead of blogging or doing anything else that's considered...ehm...useful. Of course napping is very useful when you need it, so I still consider it a few well spent hours. ;-)

Another thing I am engrossed in right now are Suzanne Collins Hunger Games books (the Dutch translation is Hongerspelen for those who want to look them up). It's the kind of reading I did as a child. You know: where you were in bed and your mother said you had to turn off the lights, but you whined for 'one more chapter' and then went on and read three more instead. You know what I mean? I don't want to do art, I just want to read! Just one more chapter, please? ;-)

Well, that's all the spreads I have to show you for today. It's weekend again. Outside the second thunder storm of the day is passing over. I just escaped one on my hike this morning (after getting soaked in one last thursday), so I guess I'm lucky I'm inside now. We are having a very fall like summer here in The Netherlands. I don't mind so much, since I'm not a summer person anyway, but I feel a bit sorry for all the poor tourists that are vacationing here on the island. This must be one of those rare summers where the studio did not get too hot to be in, which is quite unique. (of course summer's not over yet)

On another note: please let me know how you like the changes I'm making on the looks of the blog. I've added tabs and extra pages and would like to know if everything works according to plan. Please let me know if something is off. It's still a work in progress...

I'm also open to any suggestions you might have for possible improvements (if it's within my power to do them of course, I'm no blogging goddess). I'm loving this blog more and more and want to make the most of it.

Wishing you all a wonderful artsy weekend!