
Monday, July 18, 2011

Some journal spreads

I'm quite busy with two projects right now. One is a new ROD journal and the other is a small signature journal that I am filling with collage and penwork. Both however are nowhere near ready and I want to save showing fragments of them for my what are you up to post on wednesday. So...for today I thought I'd show you three spreads from my current everyday journal, the altered atlas.

My journals are like an ongoing lifelong project that will only end if I ever get fed up with it or die (I hope to do neither very soon by the way). I'm reluctant to call them art journals, sometimes they contain art, but mostly they are just illustrated or decorated written journals. Especially spreads like I am showing today.

I am simply using some magazine images and some tape and color and other little embellishments to spice up my writing a little. I love to write, I need to write and I need a lot of it, so I need space on the page. But I also like something that's interesting to look at. So I just add 'stuff'. 

There's no rhyme or reason to the pictures I add or to the texts I have cut out of magazines. I just put stuff together on a whim and what you see has absolutely nothing to do with what I write about. It's all just winging it really. ;-)

But I like my journals, they are like steady companions to me and often a reflection of my daily life. I like to keep the sizes and formats of my journals ever changing, so I never get bored. Variety is the spice of life, but it's also the spice of journaling!

Wishing you an artsy week!